lunes, 26 de junio de 2017

Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin died when he was 44 he doing a documentary in which he was swiming and suddenly a stripe He began to stick several times with his tail that until an moment Irwin died.His friends said that he died instantly and he did not suffer.
He recorder documentaries for the TV show Animal Planet and he also helped in the park ok Australia Wildlife park. He had one girl and one boy.
In jannary 2004 he fought with a crocodile because he protected he son , bob, This was the Austria zoo. In June 2004 he turned aways as he gets close and closer to the ice and bothered seals , whales and penguins. All this happened when he was filming a documentary in Antartica.

lunes, 5 de junio de 2017

Empires question

Page 4

1 Austria Hungary measure 621, 538 km2.

2 The problem that a emperor face was hat one person want to independent or that a empire attack one.

3 They studied France , Russia , Germany and Great Britain.

4 The reason that might countries have for joining an alliance is that the leader should have to protect her ally.

5 We think that the alliance make wars more likely to happen because for that way they get lands.


domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Carta del jefe de Seattle

Este texto se relaciona con el ecosistema, ya que el jefe de Seattle duda en darle las tierras al hombre blanco porque el no las cuida como debería. El "hombre blanco" solo quiere obtener las tierras y no le importa la naturaleza, mientras que para el jefe Piel Roja la naturaleza es sagrada y  la deberíamos cuidar. También, que todos tenemos que comprometernos con su cuidado. El, piensa que si les otorga las tierras al hombre blanco, éste, tiene que aprender a cuidarla y enseñarle a sus hijos a valorarla y a tratarla como un hermano.

Resultado de imagen para cuidado de la tierra