domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017

how population growth?

Captura de pantalla 2017-09-18 a las 15.59.26.png

This mean that nowadays there are medicines that cure diseases, so not many people die and many people born healthy.

Captura de pantalla 2017-09-18 a las 16.18.53.png

This image shows that years ago many people die because of the diseases and there were not medicines to cure.

Captura de pantalla 2017-09-18 a las 16.26.47.png

This image shows that in 2050 we are going to be 9.5 billion of population.

The image shows that in 2030 we were going to be 8 billion of person.All the yellows dot mean the population

Summary:Population growth very fast because now a day we can have new: medicines to cure the diseases so people do not die young, have more food and more water,all this is needed to live.Also is growth the pollution, for example: instead of use bicycles they use cars.

videos :

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2017

central hidroeléctrica

  • Ver la animación y responder
1-¿qué tipos de energía aprovechan la centrales hidroeléctricas?
2- ¿cuántas clases de centrales hidroeléctricas existen?
3-confeccionar un esquema conceptual del funcionamiento de una central hidroeléctrica

1 Los tipo de energía que aprovecha la central hidroeléctrica son:hidráulica,la energía eléctrica y energía potencial.
2 Las clases de centrales hidroeléctricas que existen son:agua fluente,agua embalsada,centrales de regulación,centrales de bombeo,alta presión,media presión y baja presión.


lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

The black cat

The black cat 
by:Edgar Allan Poe 

He was my favourite master and I was his favourite animal. But he change his personality and he started to be a evil man. All this was one night when he came alcoholic. I was so frightened so I run away but he caught me and I bit his hand so he grabbed a penknife and with that he got my eye. I notice that then he felt ashamed of what he done. And in that moment he transformed to a madman. The next day he hung up with a rope in a tree. Little by little I was seeing less and in a moment my eyes closed and back then I die.

sábado, 9 de septiembre de 2017

the activities

In the photo that I chose I see a lot of cats reading books in a library. All the cats are white with black stripes. Some of the cats are sitting on the floor or on the shelf. Some of them are reading a book or looking for a book.Some of them are interteaned by reading their books while some are thoughtful, looking for one and happiness.

Zoe:I think that Agus put all the information.


The name of this allien is Tom. He came from Jupiter.Tom can appeared and disappeared any time and can hypnotize the persons. He skin is red ,his scales are green and his eyes are yellow.His size is medium